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  • NAS devices combine the functions of tiny PC & “private cloud” 
  • They’re designed to help you make the most of your data and papers, with an unique operating system, full file management, sync/sharing capabilities, and plethora of on-board applications and utilities
  • Surveillance is, of necessity, part of this capacity
  • You might be completely content with one or two IP cameras running on your NAS at first, but necessarily know that you need to add more to expand your surveillance coverage
  • This, however, could prove to be costly

What Is Network Attached Storage(NAS)?

A network-attached storage (NAS) device is a data storage device that connects to and is accessed over a network rather than being directly connected to a computer. NAS systems have a processor and an operating system, which allows them to run applications and provide the intelligence required for files to be shared effortlessly by authenticated persons.
The beauty of a NAS device is that it can be easily accessed by multiple people, multiple computers, mobile devices, or even remotely (if set up properly).

Frequently asked questions

When we require more storage than our computer or laptop can provide, most of us do this at home. A USB cable is typically used to connect a hard drive or SSD to your computer’s USB port. Thunderbolt cables and ports are available for Mac users. There are ways to provide people access to the hard drive, but the hard drive is normally used alone by the computer to which it is connected. Direct-attached storage is a term used to describe this type of storage (DAS).

We’re talking about your local network at work or at home, which could be hard-wired Ethernet or WiFi enabled network. As previously stated, network-attached storage, or NAS, devices are storage devices that are connected to networks. NAS devices are normally configured for access via permissions to users on an internal network, though you can usually set up internet access to your NAS devices if you want to. While cloud storage in Wide Area Network (WAN) might be argued to be the third method of connecting computers and information, as discussed below, for the purposes of this study, we’ll stick to local network.

Azure, Amazon Web Services, cloud, and many other types of network-attached storage exist, but for the purposes of this article, we’ll stick to a local network. When it comes to keeping expenses set or predictable, having access to data and files during internet outages, or being worried about privacy and data security, most individuals choose to connect storage to their own networks.

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